Arizona’s Jace Whittaker: a special journey from greyshirt to starter

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The Yogi Roth Show: How Great Is Ball Training Camp Tour visited the Arizona Wildcats where host Yogi Roth sat down with senior cornerback Jace Whittaker, who took a non-traditional path to Tucson, as he was a greyshirt athlete coming out of high school. He details what drove him and what he expects from his final season in college football. Jill Savage of the Pac-12 Networks also joins Yogi to share her insight on the Wildcats, her takeaways from practice and how she performs her role as a sideline reporter on television.
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The Yogi Roth Show also continues to partner with Kona Red coffee where they source some of the rarest, most sought after coffee in the world. It is grown on the volcanic mountain slopes of Hawaii where each coffee cherry is hand picked at peak ripeness. Be sure to check out, where you can learn about their premium coffee beans, cold brewed coffee or Cascara, the Hawaiian Coffee Fruit.