Peter Abraham

‘Hard work is the most underrated aspect of creativity’ ~ Peter Abraham.
After a morning surf session in Venice Beach, CA Peter Abraham visited the LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS podcast with friend Yogi Roth and shares his path as a life-long storyteller.
Peter is an expert in branded content and creating unique creative campaigns. Throughout his career he has also led the production of award winning documentaries, such as Wilco, and unique marketing for global brands like Nike, Lululemon, Red Bull, Whole Foods, ESPN and more. Yet throughout his diverse career around the globe the one constant has been his love for community: being a part of them and cultivating within them.
It began as a child, as he was raised around People’s Park in Berkeley, moving to a commune in Santa Cruz while watching the Rolling Stones and Grateful Dead to exploring London and Paris as a child.
An intrepid traveler, Peter talks about following in his Dad’s footsteps while explored India in his late 20’s and finding danger in Rwanda on his honeymoon, as he and his wife arrived 6 months prior to the genocide heard across the globe.
In an extremely candid discussion Peter shares insight regarding his relationship with his father, taking big risks in the entertainment community and how ‘Building community with shared physical activity can save the world.’
You’ll also love his recent TEDx Talk titled ‘Can Running Save Our Cities.’ Enjoy this podcast as Peter draws you in with his magnetic storytelling skills.
Follow him @PeterAbraham on Twitter, on Instagram or at his site and for more unique conversations about what it means to be human, follow the LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS podcast with Yogi Roth on iTunes, BlogTalkRadio, Overcast and more.

The LA Marathon, re-configured by Peter Abraham & Russ Pillar