Brasil Day 4

A week into Brasil and once more, I’ve fallen in love in this nation.But not to an individual, yet… To its local communities.This incredibly passionate and loving country is the host to millions from around the planet who have ventured to this dreamworld in South America.To witness, and be a part of, various cultures and […]

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Why Easter Island?

I’ve failed to mention why I chose Easter Island as a place to visit, as it’s a story worth reading. Last year, I had just finished hiking around the Patagonia and barely made it to my bus, which was headed for Punta Arenas, a small port city in Chile. On the long, 6 hour bus […]

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Good old Fashioned Childhood Fun

When was the last time you played in the rain? You know, jumped around, frolicked, slide on the ground, hopped in and out of puddles? Well today, I played in the rain. The goal was to find the famous caves of Easter Island so I rented a mountain bike and took off for the coast […]

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An Easter Island day

I must apologize as I’ve failed to paint a picture of this grand island for you. It’s a small island, roughly 117 km in circumference. The island survives off tourism, as that is the profession of choice for most Easter Island inhabitants. The island wakes around 6:30 AM to the sound of roosters, whose imminent […]

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A ‘Veteran’ Mistake

Today I took a horse for a ride. Actually, allow me to re-phrase. Today, a horse took me for a ride. Off toward the countryside I went, along with a few other travelers to the highest site on the island. There, we would be able to see the entire island and its surrounding water at […]

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Easter Island

Imagine the small town you grew up in and now take all 2700 people and put them on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. For the first few years, life is great as you get along and have town gatherings overlooking the ocean while you look out for one another. Then, in […]

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Santiago de Chile

My second trip to Santiago in two years proved to be one where I reconnected with old friends, shared various laughs, ate good food, drank excellent wine and explored the city at length. During my first night, I was reacquainted with my old friends who I hadn’t seen since my last trip to a hostel, […]

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